Hello world!

September 4, 2010

Welcome to WordPress.com.

My previous letters to Rahma Sarita are in the following: http://amfirs.wordpress.com , then click any title from A1 to Z259 on the right column.

And my latest letters to Rahma Sarita can be viewed at the following:

AB283. Isyarat Paris Hilton Soal “M” Lain

AB284. Qaddafi Bagikan Al Quran Ke 200 Foto Model Italia

AB285. Letusan Galeras Di Colombia Dan Sinabung

AB286. Presiden Obama Bersepeda Di Martha’s Vineyard

AB287. Putin Dan Soal Mencegah 3 Diangkat Dari Dunia

AB288. Foto Gunung Berganti Burger, Mempertanyakan Komitmenku

AB289. Soal Ema Cy Dan Aku Jadi Dajjal

and just recently added:

AB290. Kacamata Ketinggalan Dan Tunanetra Tewas Di Halaman Istana